Your Safety Is All That Matters
The Canary. Made possible with IoT Technology
It is our mission to make working safer.
Mining is one of the world's deadliest industry.
Each year, there are at least 15,000 deaths world-wide due to improper care and inadequate safety equipments. A majority of these incidents could be better circumvented with proper monitoring and on time incident report so that our miners can know of any danger and help can be sent their way at moments notice.
We want to change that for the better.
The Canary is dedicated to improving the livelihood of all miners:
to ensure workers feel protected in the workplace,
to detect issues before they become a problem,
to eliminate preventable deaths.​
Providing a Number 1 Safety gaurantees
The use of integrated sensors, a lightweight CPU, and intelligent algorithms mean our helmet is both energy efficient and portable.
With no limit to our miners' safety or the number of miners we keep safe; IoT protocol allows an unlimited number of users and our product has room for as many sensors as necessary.
All communication between our devices occurs over secure channels with authentication on both sides, providing security from bad actors.
Learn All About the Advantages that Our System Has to Offer
Air Quality Detection
Embedded CCS811 detects the conentration of CO2 in the atmosphere allowing our system to warn miners of potential health risk at moment's notice.
Temperature and Humidity Detection
Si7021 provides robust temperature and humidity detection, which assists and calibrates air quality readings to make measurements more robust to different environments
AirPressure Detection
Maintaining a stable Barometric readings is one of the most import aspects of maintaining a mine. Our BMP 280 measures air pressure readings and allows our devices to inform users of potential danger when it arises
We've Come a Long Way
Mining has been crucial to constructing every great civilisation throughout human history, and as such, it pays to ensure miners can work in the safest conditions. What started with canaries in the 1800s changed to 'electronic noses' in the 1980s, and as technology progresses ever-increasingly quickly we decided to make certain the safety of our miners stays as current as possible.
In time, we want The Canary to become as common as the hard-hat, easily available for any worker needing Personal Protective Equipment, and ready for purchase all around the globe.
We also strive to continually update and improve The Canary for as long as lives are put into dangerous conditions.
Because cutting corners costs lives.
The nature of IoT communications means any eager listener can observe messages between devices. Therefore, it is imperative that data can only be sent, received, and understood by users we know and trust.
Our system employs both client and server authentication and encryption via CA and signed client-side certification to give confidence that data is only transferred to our devices.
The Canary Web App
Provided with The Canary hardware is a state of the art web app that provides remote access to real time data from all your connected devices. Hosted on a public DNS, it is accessible to anyone with an internet connection and computer but remains secured with password protected login.
Inside your account there is a team overview to monitor each team member connected with a Canary. Here you can also decide the data measurement rate and see the most recent sensor readings.
For each team member their is a more comprehensive view of their data history which enables tracking of recent changes and provides a visual representation of the data.
There is also support for archiving of data allowing insight into previous uses of the device.
The Canary was designed with the goal to make the workplace safer for our miners.
During that process we realised that our device could be beneficial to many others who work in potentially dangerous environments. With this in mind, we recommend The Canary for use in underground work or in proximity to dangerous gases. There should be no limit to your safety.